The BRAP program utilizes a model similar to the Housing First Model, by providing rental assistance to adults with severe and persistent mental illness and co-occurring substance use disorders and then referring these individuals to supportive services in the community based on their needs. BRAP serves individuals leaving psychiatric hospitals, community residential programs, and homeless programs throughout the state.
Program participants provide 40% of their income* towards rent while the remaining amount is subsidized through the BRAP program.
Because of the unprecedented need for assistance, we have instituted a complete pause on all new application submissions and awards, effective March 24, 2025.
This decision has been made in order to ensure stability for those already on the program, as well to allow us as the opportunity to assess the continued availability of resources on BRAP, the program will be instituting a pause on all awards.
What does this mean?
-Any application submitted on, or after Monday March 24th, or that was previously received but not awarded will be returned to the applicant or their provider.
-Some processes and offerings will be restricted, such as security deposits, rent increases, and upgraded requests.
-Those currently housed, or with a voucher and are looking for a unit will not be effected by this change.
For more information, please see the full Public Notice and FAQs here:
You can also reach out to your local agency for more questions.
Thank you,
Shalom House
Please click HERE for a guide to some statewide housing and assistance programs.
General Program Eligiblity
Who is eligible?
Adults with a Severe and Disabling Mental Illness who:
1. Are enrolled in or qualify for Sections 17 Community Support Services or Section 97 Community Residential Treatment Programs.
Specific Requirements.
- The person is age eighteen (18) or older or is an emancipated minor with:
- Has a primary diagnosis of Schizophrenia or Schizo-affective disorder or another non-excluded primary DSM 5 diagnosis or DSM 4 equivalent.
Excluded Diagnosis include, but are not limited to: Neuro-cognitive Disorders, Neuro-developmental Disorders, Antisocial Personality Disorder and Substance Use Disorders.
Examples of excluded diagnosis include, but are not limited to:
Alzheimer’s, Antisocial Personality disorder, Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Autism, Intellectual and learning disabilities, Parkinson's disease, and Substance Abuse Disorders (unless they are co-occurring with an eligible diagnosis.
- Has significant impairment or limitation in adaptive behavior or functioning.directly related to the primary diagnosis and defined by the LOCUS or other acceptable standardized assessment tools approved by the Department.
Must have a LOCUS score, as determined by a LOCUS Certified Assessor, of seventeen (17) (Level III) or greater, except that to be eligible for Community Rehabilitation Services (17.04-2) and ACT (17.04-3), the member must have a LOCUS score of twenty (20) (Level IV) or greater.
Risk Factors:
Has a documented or reported history, stating that he/she is likely to have future episodes of homelessness, criminal justice involvement, or require mental health inpatient treatment greater than 72 hours, or residential treatment related to mental illness.
2. Currently receives SSI/SSDI benefits, or have applied for benefits
3. Has applied for a Section 8 Housing Voucher, or is currently on the wait-list.
4. Fits in one of the following priorities.
- Priority 1: Psychiatric Discharge after seventy-two (72) hour or greater psychiatric inpatient hospital admission
Individuals who are being discharged, or were discharged within the past thirty (30) days from:
- Riverview Psychiatric Center or Dorothea Dix Psychiatric Center.
- A private psychiatric hospital or facility.
Individuals who are moving from a Community Residential Treatment Program to less restrictive accommodations to allow for appropriate discharges, as determined by the clinical team from the institutions mentioned above.
- Priority 2: Release from a Correctional Facility
Individuals who have been released within the last thirty (30) days, or will be released within the next thirty (30) days, from confinement in a Correctional Facility and have no subsequent residences identified, or have been adjudicated through a Mental Health treatment court.
- Priority 3: Literal Homelessness, as defined by HUD
An individual or family who:
- Has a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not meant for human habitation.
Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Living in a tent, in a public park, or in the woods.
- Living in a camper or RV that is substandard and does not have access to clean water and utilities.*
- Living in an insulated shed in a friend’s backyard with no access to the residence.
- Is living in a homeless shelter or designated temporary living arrangements (to include congregate shelters, transitional housing, and hotels and motels paid for by charitable organizations or by federal, state and local government programs).
Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Emergency Shelters
- Transitional housing and voucher programs, as long as individual was verified to be homeless before entry.
- Living in a motel paid by a charity, local General Assistance office, non-profit, religious organization, etc.
What does not count as homelessness?
- Sleeping in a RV or Camper that is properly maintained, has functioning onboard water and sewer connection (including functioning storage tank as designed), and can retain heat during the winter.
- Staying at a hotel paid by a family member, friend, insurance policy, or employer
- Living in a transitional housing program where prior homelessness cannot be verified.
- Living in a transitional housing program for substance abuse, or as part of a condition of release from incarceration.
- Evictions
- Staying with a friend, family member, or another person (couch surfing)
- Victim of Domestic Violence
- Is fleeing, or is attempting to flee, domestic violence; and
- Has no other residence; and
- Lacks the resources or support networks to obtain other permanent housing
"Domestic Violence" includes dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, and other dangerous or life-threatening conditions that relate to violence against the individual or family member that either takes place in, or makes him or her afraid to return to, their primary nighttime residence (including human trafficking).
*Some restrictions and/or additional requirements may apply
*information and eligibility guidelines are subject to change as needed – please contact your local agency for more information
Documenting Eligiblity
Below are the two options for providing verification that documents an applicant's primary eligibility for BRAP. Please contact the local agency if you have any questions about documenting an applicant's eligiblity.
All applications MUST include verification of an applicant's eligibility for Section 17 or 97. Applications that do not include sufficient documentation will be returned if the program us unable to obtain required paperwork or verify eligibility.
1. Verification of enrollment or eligibility for Section 17 or Section 97 services
>The applicant is already enrolled in Section 17 or 97 services:
- A screenshot or printout verifying enrollment through KEPRO from a qualified provider or PNMI.
- KEPRO documentation must list the following:
- Service Type of either Section 17 or Section 97
- Non-excluded Primary diagnosis
- Lists and approved status that is current at the time of application submission
- KEPRO documentation must list the following:
- A screenshot or printout verifying enrollment through KEPRO from a qualified provider or PNMI.
>The applicant is not enrolled in Section 17 or 97, but qualifies for services, or is unable to obtain a copy of their KEPRO enrollment:
- BRAP Enrollment Form (included in application):
- Must include:
- Client Name, DOB, and SSN
- Non-excluded Primary Diagnosis
- Date diagnosis was given or updated last (must be within the last year.)
- LOCUS Score of 17 or greater, as determined by a LOCUS Certified Assessor
- Date LOCUS completed. (must be within the last year)
- The LOCUS assessor's ID
- Must include:
- BRAP Enrollment Form (included in application):
2. Currently receives SSI/SSDI benefits, or has applied for benefits
Verification must have the applicant;s name clearly stated and should be recent (dated within 120 days preferred) and show the type of benefit (SSDI/SSI/Disabled Survivor)
Examples of documentation include, but are not limited to:
>The applicant is already receiving Social Security Disability benefits:
- A copy of a benefit statement or payment summary.
- A printout or letter from a Representative Payee showing most recent payments.
- A bank statement showing the most recent payment(s).
>The applicant has applied for Social Security Disability benefits:
- A letter from Social Security showing that an application was submitted.
- A printout or screenshot from online showing an application was submitted.
- A copy of the submitted application (with received stamp) or confirmation email.
>The applicant has been denied for Social Security Disability benefits, and is appealing:
- A letter from Social Security showing stating your status or a future hearing date.
- A letter from a lawyer assiting you with your appeal.
- A copy of the submitted appeal (with received stamp) or confirmatiuon email.
3. Has applied for a Section 8 Housing Voucher, or is currently on the wait-list.
Examples of documentation include, but are not limited to:
>The applicant is currently on the waitlist:
- A copy or screenshot of your status from the online Section 8 application portal.
- A printout or letter from Maine Housing or local Public Housing Authority stating your status.
>The applicant has applied:
- A printout or screenshot from online showing an application was submitted.
- A copy of the submitted application (with received stamp) or confirmation email.
- A printout or letter from Maine Housing or local Public Housing Authority stating your status.
>The applicant has been denied for Section 8:
- A printout or letter from Maine Housing or local Public Housing Authority stating your permanent ineligiblity. (A waiver by the LAA will be required for program eligibility)
- A printout or letter from Maine Housing or local Public Housing Authority stating your denial and a copy of your appeal.
- A printout or copy of a criminal history report and/or offender registry showing the applicant was convicted of crime that would permantly bar them from public housing.
- Examples include:
- Individuals convicted of manufacturing/producing methamphetamine on the premises of federally assisted housing
- Sex offenders subject to a lifetime registration requirement under a state sex offender registration program
- Examples include:
Documenting Priority
Below is a list of preferred forms of verification. This is not an all-inclusive list, as some situations warrant alternative methods of documenting status. Please contact the local agency if you have any questions about documenting an applicant's priority situation.
All applications MUST include verification of an applicant's eligible living situation for Priority status. Applications that do not include sufficient documentation will be returned if the program us unable to obtain required paperwork or verify eligibility.
All letters must be signed and dated.
Priority 1 - Psychiatric Hospitalization or Private Non-Medical Institution (PNMI)
- A letter from an eligible psychiatric facility or hospital, on facility letterhead that clearly lists the dates admitted, including intake and discharge dates, the name of the facility, and that the stay was psychiatric in nature.
- A letter from an eligible psychiatric facility or hospital, on facility letterhead that clearly lists the dates admitted, including intake and discharge dates, the name of the facility, and that the stay was psychiatric in nature.
For PNMIs, the letter should also include that the discharge is to discharge the applicant to less restrictive accommodations, as outlined in the client's treatment plan.
- A Discharge Summary from the facility showing the dates of admission.
Priority 2 - Incarceration
- A letter from the correctional facility, or ICM, on agency letterhead that clearly lists the dates of stay, including intake and release date, the name of the facility, the name/title of the person completing the letter, and that no other residences have been identified upon release.
- A letter from the correctional facility, or ICM, on agency letterhead that clearly lists the dates of stay, including intake and release date, the name of the facility, the name/title of the person completing the letter, and that no other residences have been identified upon release.
- A Release summary from the facility showing the dates of incarceration, with a letter from a provider stating that no other residences have been identified upon release.
- A Release summary from the facility showing the dates of incarceration, with a letter from a provider stating that no other residences have been identified upon release.
Priority 3 - Homelessness
For literal homelessness status at time of application, the most recent instance must be within 14 days of submission date.
- Letter or report from Emergency Shelter staff listing the date of entry, as well as the most recent stay (notation that individual is still living their if applicable)
- An attached HMIS report will suffice for multiple bed-nights, as long as entry and exit/current status are clear.
- Letter or report from Emergency Shelter staff listing the date of entry, as well as the most recent stay (notation that individual is still living their if applicable)
- Letter from Transitional Housing staff listing the date of entry, as well as the most recent stay (notation that individual is still living there if applicable), as well as verification of prior homelessness.
- Letter from General Assistance office stating they are paying for hotel/motel stay. Must have name of hotel/motel and dates of stay. (If providing 3rd party verification, must provide receipt or documentation that agency paid for stay)
- Letter from direct-care provider or outreach workers stating that they witnessed your situation, the location, details of the situation, and the dates that they witnessed it. The most recent instances must be within 14 days of submission.
Order of Preference for Verification
In order to build the strongest case possible for documenting an applicant's situation, the following order of preference should be used.
- Primary Verification from shelter, transitional housing program, and/or housing assistance provider.
- HMIS: An HMIS record should be a report designed by the CoC HMIS lead agency OR a “screen shot” that includes Client name, Shelter name, and entry/exit dates, or dates of case manager observation and location. Must include name and signature of individual submitting for inclusion with application.
- Third Party Verification provided by a housing or service provider or institutional documentation.
- Third Party Verification provided by a community member that has a personal relationship with the applicant.
- Third Party Verification provided by a community member that does not have a personal relationship with the applicant.
- Self-Certification. Must be acknowledged by a provider that can notate all attempts made to gather Primary and/or 3rd Party verification.)
Helpful Forms
Chronic Homelessness Summary Form
Homeless Self-Certification Form (filled out by a provider)
Example Homeless Verification Letter Template-Single Instance
Example Homeless Verification Letter Template-Multiple Instances
Program Referral and Application
Click below for the current application.
The BRAP Application is currently unavailable.
Please be advised: While we try to review applications as soon as we get them, it can take up to two weeks to properly review your application.
How to submit:
You can mail, fax, or email you application to the agencies below.
Please note that all agencies are able to process applications. Please only submit one application. There is no need to submit to multiple agencies in different areas of the state as once you voucher is approved, you may be able to "Port" your voucher to a different area/county.
Please submit the application and forward any questions related to your application to the agency listed below, based on the county you wish to live.
Shalom House
Mail: BRAP Applications - 106 Gilman Street Portland, ME 04101
Fax: 207-874-1077 attn: BRAP Applications
Common Ties Mental Health
P.O. Box 1319
Lewiston, ME 04243
Tel. 207-795-6710 Fax: 207-795-6714 (Attn: Housing Subsidies)
Community Health & Counseling Services
P.O. Box 425
Bangor, ME 04402-0425
(42 Cedar Street, Bangor, ME 04401)
Tel. 207-947-0366 Fax: 207-945-4465 (attn: Rental Services)
Email: rentalservices@chcs-me-org
Kennebec Behavioral Health
67 Eustis Parkway
Waterville, ME 04901
Tel. 207-873-2136 Fax: 207-660-4532 (attn: Rental Services