Maine 211– Whether it’s financial assistance, domestic violence, addiction treatment, health care, mental health, or heating and utilities assistance, 211 is a free, confidential information and referral service that connects people of all ages across Maine to local services.
This service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
You can reach 211 via phone, text, email, or by searching our online database.
Phone: Dial 211 or 1-866-811-5695
Text: Text your zip code to 898-211 (Standard msg & data rates may apply.)
Maine Homeless Planning – a centralized repository of on-line resources directly related to furthering the work of the representatives of the Continuums of Care, Regional Homeless Councils and the Statewide Homeless Council that are responsible for statewide homeless planning and coordination.
Pine Tree Legal Assistance – provides free civil legal assistance in cases where it can make a difference in one’s ability to meet one’s basic human needs or in enforcing one’s basic human rights, including access to housing, food, income, safety, education, and healthcare.
PTLA Self Help – Rental Housing Information and Tenant Rights
PATH (Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness) – supports the outreach, engagement and delivery of services to eligible persons who are homeless and have serious mental illnesses and/or co-occurring substance abuse disorders
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Programs – Statewide student-focused programs and protections for those who’s education is being effected by housing instability. McKinney-Vento protections apply to all public school students, pre-K through grade 12 who “lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence”
Southern Maine Agency on Aging - provides various services and programs for seniors on a variety of issues, such as financial, medical, or personal assistance.
State of Maine – Department of Health and Human Services
My Maine Connection– Apply for services, complete re-certifications, review case information and submit changes, or view your benefit history for the past 12 months